Feb 28, 2009

Blog summrise

At the end, it is hard to summarize the impact of IT on the Olympic in this blog, because IT covered every thing. As we saw IT embodied the history and present of Beijing .IT showed to us how IT can change our life and how can we use the IT by the best way. And it showed how Beijing used the IT in its event.
By the start of the ceremony and the huge festival decrees in that time, and during the games and suing the technique device of precise timing by the laser device to the end of this event with new surprises, leading to the modern war technology. May the most difficult channel for the next Olympic is how to do a ceremony better than Beijing Olympic.

Other mesuers used to controll weather.

Moreover Beijing meteorological bureau tried to use new techniques such as the anti-aircraft cannon to launch and blast silver iodine or similar catalysts threatening clouds to stop the possibility of precipitation around the game places .

The impact of IT in Beijing Olympics

In addition, Olympic Organizing Committee announced that by using IT will control the airports, transportation and internet by shutdown the illegal websites and break the hacking. In fact that was one of strict security measures. Beijing in addition to metal detectors, backpack searches, the list of prohibited items, facial recognition software and discover bombs. China took all possible measures to ensure Olympic security, such as the use of special devices to detect and identify radioisotopes.

Feb 14, 2009

The saftey mesuers for Beijing olympics

For the sake of maintaining safety, Beijing used super control weather computer by Beijing meteorological bureau. That helped to forecast the rain and other vagaries of water like cyclones and air-storms
Moreover Beijing meteorological bureau tried to use new techniques such as the anti-aircraft cannon to launch and blast silver iodine or similar catalysts threatening clouds to stop the possibility of precipitation around the game places .

The weather controlling

For the sake of maintaining safety, Beijing used super control weather computer by Beijing meteorological bureau. That helped to forecast the rain and other vagaries of water like cyclones and air-storms .
Moreover Beijing meteorological bureau tried to use new techniques such as the anti-aircraft cannon to launch and blast silver iodine or similar catalysts threatening clouds to stop the possibility of precipitation around the game places .